Signs of Termites in Pinellas County, Tampa Bay and Clearwater

And we are back today to talk about signs of termites. I’m Coby Coby’s Tentless Termite and Pest Control. And for the last 38 years, going on 39 years, we’ve been treating for termites, termites and protecting people’s homes. So if you have a question, please give us a call. But today, let me talk about what are some of the signs of termites. I’ve talked about pellets and droppings for dry wood termites, this is going to be something that you would see now. They can be little darker, like this, maybe a little lighter. It’d be a bunch of them. There’d be a couple of them, but, but wings without bodies. So you just seen the wings not seeing the bodies are more than likely a type of dry with termite. Now say more than likely, because subterranean termites can drop their wings too. But normally, when we see swarms of subterranean termites, the bodies are still attached. But if you’re seeing something that looks like a flying insect, and you’re not sure if it’s thyroid subtrain termite ant, what it could be, what it can’t be, give us a call for sure, so we can get out and look at that. But this is going to be an idea. Now, normally, people see these things, and what they do is they’ll clean off their cabinets or covered dirt, or, well, they’re attracted to light, so there’s going to be wind sills, coffee tables in tables where lights may be, or lamp may be, and as they’re cleaning and moving, or something like that. Also these little wispy wings just can flip down, and that’s a great indication that you have an infestation of dry wood termites and or subtraining termites, depending on time year, usually dry Woods further into the years say, Let’s go april 15 to August 15 is the norm. Whereas we go from January 15 to April 15 for subterranean termites, least in the Tampa Bay, st, Pete, Clearwater, Bargo area, that’s what you you would see down here, at least normally would. But if you’re not sure, they say a picture is worth 1000 words, we’ll take a picture. Okay? It’ll last longer. Yeah, take a picture last longer. Well, send it to us if you or call us and ask us to come out and do an inspection for your inspections are free, so if you have a question about this or anything else, but this is a good indication of you’ve got something going on that you want to take care of before the damage gets too great and then cost you a ton of money. It’s very expensive enough to treat for termites. You don’t need the damage on top of it to go ahead and have a much bigger problem. Anyhow. If you have a question about this or anything else, give us a call. We’re happy to come out. Give you a free estimate, see what’s going on with you, and let you know if we can help you. I’m Coby with Coby’s, Tentless Termite and Pest Control, and always remember, as long as God gets taken, we’ll keep killing them. You have a great day.

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