In Tampa, How Much Does It Cost To Tent House

Hi there, Coby with Coby’s Tentless Termite and Pest Control Tampa Bay, self proclaimed guru of bugs, been doing this for about 38 years now, and most of it has been in the Tampa Bay area, specializing, of course, Temple strip mates, one of the questions we get a lot, and I you have already one video that’s going to be very similar to this, but that is in the Tampa Bay area. How much does it cost to treat a home for mice? And as I mentioned, there’s two different main mainly, two different types of termites. You have the ground termites, which will cost you measure around the this is the home, and you multiply it. And for us, it’s about 10 to $12 and we use a number of different things. We do a liquid application with two different liquids, and then we put monitoring stations down, and if we have a hit or activity, then we put boost up that area as well as put bait down. So we use up to three different products to go ahead and take care of those. And like I said, it’s 10, $12 a linear foot as far as a treatment for the dry wood termites. The dry wood termites, we go by basically the volume of the home, not the distance around. And we found that if we do the square footage under roof, not heating cold under roof, we multiply anywhere between 250, to 350, a linear square foot, we get our prices, and that’s how we go about that, the the and those are the the, the the price of of doing that, but the cost of checking a home, you have the price, okay, and then you have the other expenses that are go on with this. And the other expenses being removing your food and medicine. You have to leave your home for three days, your pets, your family, the inconvenience, if you have to stay with your mother in law, but the Moreover, though, the possibility that one, they didn’t get them all, which we’ve seen that a lot lately, and I’m not sure why, because it used to be nobody would ever get a fumigation and then have them that year, the year, that year, maybe. But even that’s a little odd. So it’d be the next year. So we’re seeing that a little bit more frequently. And I don’t know why that is. I know the companies are doing the the treatments correctly, but I don’t know why we’re seeing more activity. The other thoughts are the like I said, the damage that they can do to the roof or the gutters or the shrubs, definitely, if they’re close to the house, if you have a bird cage, you have to have a company come out and remove the screen, put the screen back. So there’s just a lot of other costs that are involved, plus the time that it takes for the preparation. So you price versus cost is, what the what the thing is the analysis there, but we’ve seen some really crazy swings in the price of a fumigation. This year. We have seen one particular home, I think our price, when it was 3500 ish in around that between three or $4,000 and we saw as little as $2,100 to 6000 for the exact same treatment. And I said the exact same because they have the same amount of gas they have to have. So there’s not a, there’s not a there’s not a variable there, there’s not one company does a lot better job the other because they more experienced. No, they go by the cubic footage. They put the gas in according to this, then they monitor it. They do what they’re supposed to do. They get in out and take the tent off. So so it is the same service. Whereas if you have a tetanus to our company, they vary greatly, but they vary because of the lack of experience. Nothing wrong with these companies. They just have not done 1000s of these treatments, and so they are unfamiliar with what’s going to happen with the initial treatment, what to what the customer explained properly, customers is going to see and how long they’re going to see these problems for, and how that how they they’re solved, as well as I haven’t run into any company yet with a tentless treatment that has a lifetime guarantee, except for for us. And the reason I think that’s important for you is because most of these companies will go ahead and after, say, 2345, years. Say no time to go get your house to it. That’s not that’s how you do that. You took somebody’s money to begin with. You did a job for them. You honor it. You keep on after until they’re gone. Anyhow, that’s a different thing in effect. Actually, I’ll go ahead and do a. Uh, another video on that as well. But the cost versus prices is, whenever somebody asks me how much the cost of fumigate at home, it varies greatly and and the price versus the cost is completely different as far as how much more it’s going to cost you to go ahead and and above and beyond the price. So hope you found this helpful. If you have this question about this or anything else. Give us a call at covid, termite and 10 list, Termite and Pest Control, and always remember, as long as God keeps making them, we’ll keep killing you. Have a great day. Do. Transcribed by

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