Why Are There So Many Spiders in Tarpon Springs

And we are back, and today we’re going to be talking about spiders in Tampa Bay, Tampa St, Petersburg, and specifically we’re going to be talking about spiders in Tarpon Springs. So we had a customer call the other day, and she said that there was, she lives in a triplex, and she was seeing 5678, large wolf spiders, or Huntsman spiders. And if, for you don’t know if they can get the size your hand, they could be quite large. She was seeing a ton of and so I was trying to figure out what’s causing that. And usually when you’re when you’re looking at spiders, you’re looking at something that is going to be a, what do you call it opportunistic? There got to be a food source there that’s going to be a what they’re what they’re after. And in this case, there really wasn’t anything like that. And so we were discussing it, and went back and forth for a while. And then I said, were they all the same size? He says, Yeah, they are all the exact same size different parts of house, but that was with the word if I said, Okay. So what probably happened, if you’re not aware of spiders, when they lay eggs, usually those eggs are by the many, many hundreds, if not 1000s, when they they come out, and normally they’ll have a string of silk on them, and that’ll the wind will just blow them and carry them to two different locations. Well, if they hatch an attic, they don’t really have that opportunity. And I probably would think that there’s other spiders, not the, let’s say, the mother, but the other spiders go ahead and take advantage of the situation either. Well, if they’re all the same size, then more than likely what had happened was, is that a catched and you had how many dozens, hundreds, 1000s of spiders came out, but only a handful survived, and then they got to the point where there’s no more food. I mean, they’re in a very small area, and there was just too many spiders for the amount of food that was there. So they were looking for for food, and then they came down into the home from the attic. Now that is from the best I can figure. Did it happen that way? Don’t know, but that’s, that’s my thought process on that. So if you have a really weird spider problem, give us a call. We might be able to help you solve it and or do our treatment and whatnot. But this one’s a little bit different in that we’re trying to understand why so many of the same size and and without a food source, and we made the answer so you have a question about this or anything else I’ve said, just give our office a call, and always remember, as long as God keeps negative, we’ll keep killing you. Have a great day. Bye.

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