Hey Tampa, What Chemical Should You Use for Subterranean Termite Treatment

Hi, I’m Coby, with Coby’s Tentless Termite and Pest Control. Today, I’m going to talk to you about what chemical should you use if you’re treating a home for terminites. Now this is a pretty broad brush here. We’re the Tampa St Pete and Clearwater area, but the this will go for just about any place in the country, um, unless you have some restrictions. I know there’s a few places that will not allow certain chemicals in, in the house in the state, but so so for for years. When I first got in business, we’re using chlordane. Long time ago, we use that for one year. And everybody talked about how great that the product worked for and and did seem to do a good job for us. And then we were switched to what the when that was banned, we went to durspan TC. That was probably the worst product we’ve ever used. We had probably 40 to 50% failures on those on those treatments. But what it did for me is I was able to learn how to go back and pinpoint and solve problems over and over and over again. So that was kind of a good thing for me to be come up in that time period. But after that, we had these transfer products. And one was a medical open. One was stripper down the mate that the original names on both of those products was premise. It was a bear product like Barry, aspirin and Termidor. And both of those products are still around today. The reason you wanted to use those is because once you put them around home, and the termite came in touch with it, whether they touched it or whether they ate it, they now transferred it through the con. It kind of like getting a cold and it would go, just ramp it through the entire colony. And within 90 days, you were looking at you didn’t have a termite problem anymore. And so that’s where we went to. And I still recommend those two products. If you look at how they did their testing for those two products and all other termite sides, actually, all other subterranean termite termites, or chemicals that are used for the ground termites. What they did was they basically put a couple pieces wood in the forest, treat it around the hillside, and see how long it lasts it. And they literally on both of those products, they had almost 95% effective, almost 97% effective over 15 years where they stopped the stop the process. So those are just fantastic products, and most people are probably using those products now. Now, when you come to premise or imidacloprid, there’s a concern about hive collapse for bees and whatnot. And if you’re spraying it on surface area, and bees get into it, it very well transferred through that colony and do a harm to that. But if you’re putting it in the ground, it’s going to be awful hard for anything to gain access to it. That would that would hurt anything. And then if you, if you’re familiar with trimador, it’s the only class C carcinogen that we have that we use as a as a termite, which means there’s a possibility of animals that you could go ahead and do that. And all that was, was there was one particular time, or one of the rats they fed something to got cancer, and they never reproduced that. So those products, although they had a couple little things going on with them, those are what I would recommend for subterranean termite treatments. Now in our case, we use both of those products, and in addition, we do a monitoring thing over on the outside. Now that, to me, is idea, because that way you’re checking on the structure every three or four months, where people do it differently, differently, and once they do that, once they’ve done that, they can see whether there’s anything active, and if there’s anything active, for us, then we put a termite bait in there. So we have two insecticides and a bait, which is another termite side, that will go ahead and and knock those out. That would be my prep, my preference for a subterranean termites. And I’m, I think that you would do very well by doing those three things to liquid barriers, as well as monitoring, and you should be good to go. So that’s would be my recommendation for subterranean termites. My next video, I will talk about termites and what you should do for those situations. I’m Coby’s Tentless Termite and Pest Control,  and you have a great day. Oh, always remember, as long as God keeps making them but keep killing them, do.

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