Pinellas County, What Chemical Should You Use for Termite Treatment on New Construction

Coby here with Coby’s Tentless Termite and Pest Control. And occasionally we’ll get a builder and or a homeowner who’s building a new home, and they want to know what they should do with a new home, how they should protect it. And borates, by far, are the best way to do that. Now, when I say borate, some basically talking about 20 milking borax, it’s the same. It’s the same active ingredient that’s in the powdered form of borates, which is usually Tim bore, and then the Tampa, Tampa st, Pete, Clearwater, Largo, palm, Harbor, all those areas there. We don’t have a lot of new construction, and so this is not something that we run into very often, but there’s a lot of people out there that aren’t going ahead and building home, and they want to protect it for the long haul, especially if you’re ever home, but then you definitely want to go ahead and do this, but the scenario is, is that you can use either or on this particular thing, and I say either we’re being a liquid borate and or a powder borate. Now, I don’t like using powdered borates almost ever new construction is the only place that I would consider it, because there’s there’s once you’ve coated every nook and cranny of that place, once the the subs are up, and the the trusses and the floor joists and so on, and you can treat all those locations with a powder that is going to encase it, kind of Like if you dredge a piece of chicken, it’s going to give that nice crust dripping outside. And so, because you’re catching it project now, and that’s if you can get up underneath and all these areas, it is going to be a little bit cheaper for somebody to do that. But the by far the best, okay? And we learned this the hard way, is the liquid borates. And the reason they are better is because they take that powder borate and they mix it with glycol, and they heat it up to about 270 degrees. And then when they’ve done that, it now becomes completely different. I won’t say molecule, but I’m sure I’ll have somebody go ahead and tell me them it’s not a molecule, but it was completely different. But why is that important? Well, it’s important because, and this started, I think, with boat builders, where they would take this and and they would put it on wooden boats, and it penetrates into the wood just to sit on the inside. It penetrates. So now, if you have a borate that doesn’t just sit on the outside, which is still well, because it’s going to crystallize the outside, but because of that glycol, it wants to reach equilibrium in there. Once it reaches equilibrium, or tries to reach equilibrium, over the next like six weeks, and it and it’s successful. Now you have not just the outside of the wood bird, but the inside. So if something bypasses that outside wood, you now have protection on the center that would do it, and center the wood being a two before you can use it also on timber frame and and that type of thing too. But it will not penetrate through the entire piece. It will only penetrate the outside, but it still will penetrate probably about three quarters of an inch, which should give you more than enough killing power with beetles and the things that are normally associated with wood frame homes, but, but so I would whether it’s board care or any of the other things, but if it’s a liquid borate and not a I mix powder in water because that’s, that’s completely different. That’s, that’s the the timber and water thing, which, which will work. But I still think that you’d be better off to go ahead and take the extra step, get the liquid more expensive, but you’re going to have one shot at this, you might as well do it right. So that’s what I would recommend on those things. And coming from a place of is this 39 years coming up on 39 years and treated termites from day one, when I got into the business. So But anyways, that’s what I would recommend. And if you have any questions about this or anything else, do not hesitate. Give us a call. I’m happy to talk with you. There’s no charge. I don’t do consulting fees, but we can answer questions pretty well. So by all means, let us know. And if you have a question about this or anything else, I’m Coby here with Coby’s Tentless Termite and Pest Control And always remember, as long as dad keeps drinking, we’ll keep killing you. Have a great day.

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