Tampa and Pinellas County, Do Ants Have Wings?

Coby here with Coby’s Tentless Termite and Pest Control. And we’re gonna be talking about questions that we get quite often, and this one is when somebody sees a swarm or a small, little insect with wings, first, they’re always considered as termites, because they know termites swarm. But a lot of times we’ll get out there and it’s going to stop termites as ants. And the question is always the same, ants can fly? Well, these can what you basically have is you have the reproductive members of the colony, not the king. The kings and queens. For the beginning of a new colony, The Queen will produce workers, soldiers, different caste inside the colony. And then, and usually, it’s a seasonal thing. They don’t it’s not, not a month to month thing, but they start producing swimmers and the swarmers will get, let’s see. They’ll start off as an ag and then a little bit bigger, bigger, bigger. And they usually are kept in a slightly different location from the rest of the colony, which colony is doing its thing, keeping itself going, foraging for food and so on. But then you’ll see these, these ants. And once you the areas, will see these. Course, in a home, we’ll see them that be on a windowsill or a door where light is, or you’ll see where light is turned on. Now that could be a stove light, it could be a television. It could be just a normal house. Land could be anything. And then they come to there, but when we look outside, there’s a lot comes up that’s a telltale sign. And most people don’t go ahead and and knock down the webs and whatnot that are around the lights on the outside of the home. So they’ll, they’ll, will look there, and we’ll be able to tell, is it a man is not usually, though, they have a sample force and we can identify it. And the easiest way to tell if it is a termite versus ants, does it have a waste? There’s got a waste. Okay, thorax and boundary, so there’s a waste there that it’s an x3 segments versus the termites two seconds, they don’t have a waste. But the easier way is to take a picture and send it to us. If you do that, we’ll be happy to identify it and then see if it’s something that we can help you with. Almost always it is. And then if you don’t have a sample, and you know they’re coming in, you get that. Then we’ll probably check outside in the in the bubbles, and spend webs and see what’s going on out there. And most time, we’ll be able to tell if something’s going on, what, what type of insect it is that’s bothering you. And so it makes it relatively easy when you don’t clean but, uh, but they’re so tiny in most cases that when is the doors to be closed and screens are on, doesn’t stop them. They just go right through. Sometimes they go up to the attic and the lights are on the deck, the can lights and come down, or be attracted to the light in the attic and then come down into the house. That’s another way they can carpenters are notorious for that. But there’s a lot of different possibilities. But you just may just just give us a call. We’re happy to help you with this or anything, any questions you may have. So happy to touch with you and helping any way we can. So always remember one of the guy keeps making them we’ll keep killing them. Do have a great day.

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