Termites, Why Do They Just Appear in Tampa?

Coby here with Coby’s Tentless Termite and Pest Control, where the termites move out. But you don’t have to.

Today, you’re going to ask to answer the question, How often do you need to get a home in Florida? Often should you redo this? I read something slightly disturbing. Misinformation. It’s said on somebody’s website that tenting gives long, lasting protection, and that is just not the case. There’s no residual to to fumigation. That’s why they put the tent on, you have to leave, put the fuma, get in there. They put tear gas in there, so that nobody can come in or out and, well, not out, necessarily. But anyways, the long and short of it is, there’s no residual to that problem. So it doesn’t give any protection. So how often should you do this? Well, they’re saying five years. And they’re saying five years for a couple of reasons. One, that’s the warranty length for most customers, for usually four or five years, they’ll give you a warranty for Well, the reason they do that is because they are looking at once the termites come back, which is going to be immediately, because if you’re fumigate, if you are your home’s been fumigated, that neighborhood is going to be old enough to where you have trees, other homes, wood piles, or fences, all these things already have colonies of termites in them. And so with that, they’re going to be swarming every single year, and they’re going to be swarming multiple times, because each colony is not connected. So that swarm is going to go ahead. And this, this one was warm, this one was one of the, all these, all these different swarms will happen. So over about a 60 day period of time that neighborhood’s going to get lots and lots and lots of swarms. When they do that, does the wind blow towards your house, or does it blow away from your house? And meaning that you’re going to be reinfested rather quickly, if not on the year that you had the home fumigated, then definitely the next year. Now, once they pair off. That’s what their swarmers are. There. Those are the the reproductives, kings and queens. So once they pair off, they form a new colony. King dies, Queen starts over. Now you’re looking at between the time it happens to five years. You have about a colony of about 500 termites, a lot of bugs, and during that time period, they’re eating the entire time now, once they do that, then that colony is large enough to sustain swarms or new reproductives, and that colony will swarm out. And once that colony swarms out, you will have another colony form up. Now, if that colony is in your ease and it swarms, well, you’re not likely to see anything, but now it’ll swarm deeper into your home, deeper into the attic. Now that colony will take a five year period of time to do what it’s going to do, and you might at that point start seeing pellets, droppings and or wings, but that could be 10 years of termites eating your home. So, So how often should you do it? At at least every five years? And probably shouldn’t say more often, because if you don’t see anything, they won’t fumigate. But if the turmoils are going to continue to eat, I mean, that’s like the definition of insanity. Do the same thing over and over, expected different results. You fumigate. They eat fumigate. Nothing stopping them anyway. So how often you should do at least every five years? Or, of course, do a tentless service that is going to treat all the bare wood that’s going to protect it for 30 years? Anyhow, just wanted to answer that question. I’ve been seeing that a lot on the the searches out there, and thought I’d answer that question for you guys. So if you have any questions these or anything else, just give us a call. And always remember, as long as God keeps making them, we’ll keep killing them. You have a great day. You.

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