brown recluse spiders

Termites, Why Do They Just Appear in Tampa?

Coby here with Coby’s Tentless Termite and Pest Control, where the termites move out. But you don’t have to. Today, you’re going to ask to answer the question, How often do you need to get a home in Florida? Often should you redo this? I read something slightly disturbing. Misinformation. It’s said on somebody’s website […]

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Brown Recluse Spiders Are Not “Recluse” in Tampa Clearwater Area

And today we’re talking about brown recluse spiders, and other dangerous spiders here in the Tampa Bay St. Pete Clearwater area. So the good news is that we really don’t have a problem with or have brown recluse spiders down here. Now I know that’s that’s when someone gets bid and they look at the […]

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Creepy Spiders in Tampa, FL

Christmas and Halloween have to be the most fun and celebrated holidays for the McConnell family. At Halloween, we put up seasonal decorations and carve our jack-o-lantern, just like many of our neighbors and friends throughout the community. As the president and owner of Coby’s Tentless Termite and Pest Control, I always notice spider webs, […]

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