As the owner of a pest control company, I have had plenty of encounters with sneaky snakes, and I have received panicked calls from customers frantic to know whether or not a specific snake found in their landscape is dangerous, or “poisonous.” This is an understandable concern, but as owner and president of Coby’s Tentless Termite and Pest Control, it is my job to, not only exterminate them, but to make sure you know which venomous snakes in Florida constitute a danger and which ones are virtually harmless.
Snakes are not “poisonous,” but venomous. It is the venom injected into bodies through snakebites that can cause physical harm or death. Poison is something ingested, like if you were to lick your hands after handling a bufo toad or something.
Florida has four venomous snakes that can cause significant harm to humans and pets:
The Eastern Coral Snake. This nasty reptile should be avoided at all costs! It carries a neurotoxin that can paralyze the diaphragm. It has red and yellow, horizontal stripes next to each other along its slithering body, so if you see red! Stop!!

The Florida Cottonmouth aka Water Moccasin. These snakes are, obviously, water reptiles. You can identify them more from what appears to be black eye liner, found on adults and babies, which runs down, along the side of the head. This snake can be a dull black color, or it may have patterns. No matter what, look for the eye liner to identify as a cottonmouth/water moccasin.
The Dusky Pygmy Rattlesnake. This one wins the award for being the one most responsible for snakebites in Florida. Beware of this little devil! This is a small snake, as snakes go, measuring only 15-20 inches long. They have a small rattle that sounds more like a buzz than a rattle. They have black spots along their back, and their bites really hurt! Their venom is not fatal, however children should be warned, as their petite size may tempt small hands!
The Eastern Diamondback Rattle. This guy is a biggie! This type grows to be between five and six feet-long, and can easily strike from a coiled position to a distance half its body length. Beware! Do not get too close for any reason, because that is how people get bitten by this snake. You can recognize this snake from the distinct diamond pattern along the body, and a very distinctive rattle at the tail’s end.
I am proud to provide outstanding pest control for your home or business in Clearwater, Dunedin, Palm Harbor, Safety Harbor, St Pete, Tarpon Springs, Tampa and surrounding areas. If you’ve got a problem with snakes…or any other pest…or you simply have a question…call me at Coby’s Tentless Termite and Pest Control today at 727-498-1977. I’ll be happy to speak with you anytime!
PS: And remember… “As long as God keep’s makin’em, we’ll keep killin’em!”
PSS: Don’t forget to ask about our FREE 58-Point Pest Analysis of your home or office.
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