Tampa and Clearwater, Tentless Termite Control is NOW Possible…Part 2

And then the second video of Did you know that you could treat your home without a tent or something I was so excited to get this, the series started to let people know that the service is available because I believe in it. And the introduce myself, I’m Coby, the president of Coby’s, Tentless Termite and Pest Control. I mentioned in the last video about how long I’ve been in the business, so you’ve been around for a while. And so once we started doing this, the service, we used borax and borax were the biggest thing going, because they last for so long. They’re nothing known it once it goes into a piece of wood, there’s nothing to take it out of it. And so we started off with powdered borax , which is most people the most common were brand names, he would know from the pest control perspective as as timber and the other one would be 20. Mule team borax, they’re both, they’re both a break, and. And work would work basically the same. So we previous homes, the first home we did, it took us to 11 hour days. It was huge. Because we wanted to make sure we got everything and do this. And we were a little quicker now. And a whole lot better. But we traded many homes that first year, and we had massive failures. And I don’t think many people are going to come to you and say Come to me, I’m termites I have lots of failures. But this is this is what happened. We know we treated the hole properly and in the areas and that just all kinds of termites. So we went to a seminar that that the killboard people nisis was doing and Dr. Jeff Lloyd was there. He was like the foremost expert on board rates in the world. But so I got him after the after seminars, they were having failures, why we had incentives to use it. Because I’m using timber, is that a new construction? Or is that on? Oh, it’s an old construction? He goes, Oh, no, no, no, you can’t do that it doesn’t work the same, you need to penetrate the wood. So you have to use the liquid former borax. And how that penetrates into the wood goes deeper and deeper and deeper. And, and over time, it reaches equilibrium in about six weeks in a tube before. And so once it’s in their collection, nothing is known to take it out, it is a permanent thing. And so there’s been homes in New Zealand, Australia, most of their lumber is treated with this stuff. And and they’ve had 50, 80, 100 years. So it’s it’s it’s a solid treatment, it really does a great job of getting into those nooks and crannies and penetrating it and doing it. So that’s we switched over to that. And then as we progressed, we were fortunate enough to to get a contract to treat the bill The Bill more. And the bill a bit more, for those of you who don’t know, is the world’s largest or was the world’s largest wooden structure. And it took us three years, and we treated about 80% of it before they sold it. In that time period. I mean, we had 400 foot long hallway. So that’s larger than a football field. That we had to figure out ways to do things. So we had to come up with our own equipment, we had to come up with combinations of products, I had gone to Termidor company, the terminal, when I asked for an experimental use permit, they didn’t offer that to they didn’t give to me. So I had to I had to go a different route. But we would use different combinations of things and put things together and we found out what worked, what didn’t. And over the next 13 years, I was on every job. So every doing certain things, treating each and every job with my guys, of course, except for five. And then since then, I don’t go out nearly as a loser. But but over that time period, you had had an owner of a company, developing a system that worked and what and when it didn’t work, the owner of the company was headed to talk to the customers. It didn’t work, why didn’t it work? And so we worked it and worked it and worked, it worked at work. Now we’re into going into over 20 years of doing this. But that’s why how we learned what we did about tentless termite and just love the idea and the way we do things is because of the time that we took to develop the program. And we know what it can and can’t do. So that’s what we’ll talk about more in the next video as to why you do it or where you do it when you do it. But that’s pretty much what you’re looking at here. We wanted to give you a background on what was going on and why and how this was developed and why we believe it. I will see you in the next video.

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Tampa and Clearwater, Tentless Termite Control is NOW Possible…Part 1

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