Tampa Bay

Brown Recluse Spiders Are Not “Recluse” in Tampa Clearwater Area

And today we’re talking about brown recluse spiders, and other dangerous spiders here in the Tampa Bay St. Pete Clearwater area. So the good news is that we really don’t have a problem with or have brown recluse spiders down here. Now I know that’s that’s when someone gets bid and they look at the […]

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‘Tis the Time of Year that the Rats are Movin’ in!

Rats! As owner and president of Coby’s Tentless Termite and Pest Control, I have seen my fair share of rats in Tampa Bay. These disease-ridden rodents are troublesome, especially when temperatures start cooling, and they seek the warmth of your home and your delicious edibles upon which to survive. Take a look around the foundation […]

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How To Tell If You Have Mice Or Rats In Your Tampa Bay Home

Do you hear the pitter patter of little feet across your ceiling or in your walls? Do you see little, black pellets magically appearing on your kitchen counters? If so, you may have a problem with rats in Tampa Bay, or are they mice?  What are they, and how can you get rid of them!?! […]

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Eliminate Standing Water in Tampa Bay Right Now!

Coby McConnell, owner and president of Coby’s Tentless Termite and Pest Control, is concerned your child’s sand shovel and pail may have blown around your yard during the torrential wind, rain and storms that accompanied Hurricane Hermine recently, and copious amounts of standing water in Tampa Bay remain within. Even small amounts of standing water […]

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